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[New Hunan] Banner gathers strength, Party building leads development, and Hunan Normal University consolidates the grassroots party building work

2024-07-01 17:00   来源:New Hunan   作者:Yu Rong and Chen Wendong   点击:

Hunan Daily July 1 news(All media reporter Yu Rong correspondent Chen Wendong) on the afternoon of June 25,Hosted by Hunan Normal University,该校与中南大学、湖南大学、湖南科技大学的4个在湘的第三批全国“百个研究生样板党支部”联学联建主题党日活动在毛泽东与第一师范纪念馆举行,The party members of the four branches focus on the theme of "being a pioneer",Review the oath of joining the party, carry out experiential learning, tell the vanguard deeds of party members, and exchange experience in the establishment of model branches,Jointly express the belief and determination to demonstrate the youth responsibility for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,A tribute to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China。This is a vivid epitome of Hunan Normal University's efforts to promote the demonstration and quality creation of party building in recent years (" double innovation "in Party building), and to lead the high-quality development of education with high-quality party building。

The flag leads the way, and the main responsibility of party building is more firmly carried

Hunan Normal University has deeply fulfilled the main responsibility of party building, promoted the "double first-class" construction of Party building and the school, and planned, deployed, promoted, and assessed the various works of moral education。In recent years,We will adjust and optimize the establishment of leading groups for Party building at the grassroots level in schools,The work pattern of "big Party building" continues to deepen;We formulated and implemented a number of long-term management systems and norms,The top-level design is more clear;All Party members and school leaders shall establish grass-roots contact points,Jiang Hongxin, secretary of the Party Committee of the university, took the lead in lecturing party members for teachers and students,More effective implementation of responsibilities;Promote the implementation of the "grassroots Party building year", "Party building quality improvement year" and "Party building quality excellence year" plan,The focus of work has become more prominent。The school and the second-level party organization were evaluated as "National Advanced grass-roots Party Organization", the province's "grass-roots Party building work demonstration site" and "Party building work demonstration university", and the Party secretary of the province's university Party Committee was awarded "good" in the assessment of grass-roots party building。At the beginning of this year, the Party Committee of the School of Foreign Languages was selected as the fourth batch of national university party building work "benchmarking department", the teaching Party branch of the Physics Department was selected as the "model branch", and the first Party branch of the School of Foreign Languages was selected as the third batch of national "one hundred graduate student model Party branch", achieving breakthrough results。

Strong foundation and solid foundation for Party building work

The Party Committee of Hunan Normal University has always attached importance to laying the foundation at the grassroots level, and Jiang Hongxin, the Party secretary of the school, has repeatedly stressed that "the grassroots can be strong, and the school can be strong".。The school's 87 teachers' Party branch secretaries have achieved full coverage of "double leaders", and 12 of them have been selected as "double leaders model" in universities across the province;All 196 student party branches have achieved stable establishment, and eligible student party branches implement the "first secretary" working mechanism。In the first half of the year, Hunan Normal University organized a comprehensive supervision and investigation of the grassroots party building work of 34 second-level party organizations in the school, and "felt the pulse" and "opened the prescription" on the spot.。Inspect and find,The 443 grass-roots party branches of the whole school through the implementation of the "four major projects" to improve the quality of the construction, the implementation of the "One lesson one practice one month" theme Party day activities, and the launch of the "Party building Open Day" activities,The Party building work system has been better implemented,Standardization and characteristic construction are more effective,The community-level combat effectiveness has been continuously enhanced。The relevant work experience of grassroots party building has been reported and promoted by the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Research of the Hunan Group。

Integration and innovation, the results of party building continue to show

Integration is the key word of university party building in the new era。Hunan Normal University has deeply implemented the requirements of "one integration and two high levels" in university party building, and steadily promoted the integrated development of party building and cause。With the theme of the deep integration of party building with teaching, scientific research, education and other work, based on practice-oriented and problem-oriented, 25 school-level characteristic projects of party building were established, and 40 innovative cases of party building were selected。Continue to implement the "standard competition" construction plan, give play to the demonstration role of the national Party building "double innovation" project, and select and cultivate nearly 50 provincial and university-level benchmarking departments, model branches, and "double leaders" studios。Guided by the Party building project, the work pattern of "one college, one characteristic" and "one branch, one brand" has been gradually formed。Completed the pilot work of the classified management of party members of the Central Organization Department with high quality, the "four specialized" mode of mobile party members management was selected as the provincial grassroots party building practice innovation project, and the relevant research results won the second prize of the provincial Party building research results。"Youth and faith together" graduation Party class activities repeatedly won the "praise" of graduate party members and all walks of life, and the school was selected as the first batch of "Provincial Party Member education and training Demonstration Base"。

Original link:http://m.voc.com.cn/xhn/news/202407/20203627.html

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